Four Choices To Make Money

We understand that living our lives with limited resources will make us feel unfulfilled and unsuccessful most of the time. I am here writing this post to open up an idea that will surely blow your mind and will change your outlook towards life. Learn new things on how to acquire time and financial freedom by owning your non-traditional business.

Opportunity Ahead
by Diamond Georgina, Ph

According to Robert Kyosaki, there are only 4 ways to acquire income. Get ready, sit back and relax,  as we discuss wonderful 

The first way to earn is through employment. It enables you the freedom to choose a job (or a work) that you like to do from 9 to 5. However, employment limits your potential becoming a greater you because you are sense-fully building your boss' dream and not your dreams. I am not saying that being employed is bad, but what we are trying to input is employment isn't the way if you want to earn a satisfactory income and even a better life.

Second way to earn is through Self-employment, a.k.a. Small Business. The boss is you and you own the business. Let's consider this example: Opening your own small convenient store that sells household items in retail. Definitely, putting up a business requires you things (3) important things: capital, skills/knowledge and risk.

Small capital means small income.

Skills/Knowledge is not an option but a requirement for business. Running a physical store or a traditional business is no joke at all. Failure to have skills and knowledge about your business leads to a higher level of risks.

The bigger the investment means a bigger risk.

Third is Big Business. Either you buy a franchise of a big company such as Mc'Donalds, Starbucks, etc. means you'll surely have the return of investment. 
These kinds of business does not sell hamburgers or coffee but it sells a system called "franchising". However, not everyone can afford to buy franchises in millions.

Fourth way to earn to earn through investment. It is the best way to earn. For you are using your money to make more money. Best examples are investing your money in a time-deposit, realty, stock market and buying shares in companies. You needed a lot of money for this.

We are all given the same chances in life. We're given the same 24 hours to live in each day. Our success in not about how high your profession is, nor how rich your family is. It is strongly believed that it based on the witty decisions you make.

Financial freedom is a choice. Go get it! 

An original article by Diamond Georgina, Ph. 

Diamond Georgina

Diamond Georgina is a lifestyle entrepreneur and blogger based in Iloilo City. Apart from blogging and being a professional salesperson, she loves filming (video content), traveling, and emerging in communities. She considers herself a life-long learner. Feel free to collaborate.

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