The Urban Table in Oton Iloilo

The Urban Table Iloilo

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The Urban Table
Glass House
The Architecture
The Food
The Menu
Fresh Drinks

The Urban Table Restaurant in Oton Iloilo

The Urban Table is a local Filipino restaurant located in Zone 7, Brgy. Caboloan Norte, Oton Iloilo. They serve classic Filipino favorites with a unique modern twist. They promote a farm-to-table experience with a nice view of nature and the sunset.

The Urban Table held its grand opening and food-tasting event last Saturday, February 4, 2023, graced by social media influencers, bloggers, and traditional media. The guests were delighted by the delicious dishes the chef prepared.

Some of the well-loved dishes lavished during the event were crispy lettuce with salted egg ensalada, creamy chicken binakol soup. sinuglaw with baked chicken, chicken dinakdakan, aligue express, crispy tokwa't baboy, and the crowd's favorite black truffle bulalo.

The guests were also amazed by the desserts by the chef called the famous banana pudding which was really appetizing and the unique mango langka souffle.

As per Bea, one of the owners of The Urban Table restaurant , they were overwhelmed by the people visiting their place even with very minimal campaigns.

"People were coming here in large numbers. Most of our previous guests came from the towns of Alimodian, Barotac Nuevo, and so on. One time, there were 200 people who came and we were so overwhelmed." Bea Genson said.

The restaurant was the idea of three friends during the pandemic. It is located just beside the soon-to-open glamping hotel owned by a local artist named Vee Genson, who's a member of Himbon.

How to get there by bus?

* Take the bus from "Festive Walk Transport Terminal" (in front of the mall) going to "San Jose Crossing", the boundary of Sta, Barbara, and San Miguel. The fare is between P 18 to P25. 

* From there, ride a yellow tricycle and it will take you to Urban Table. One trip may cost you P 50. 

How to get there by Private Car?

* From the city proper, take the road going to San Miguel crossing, then left going the roads to Oton. For about 10 minutes drive, you'll see the signage hanging pointing you to the Urban Table Restaurant and Hotel.

Special Note: The travel time may vary depending on the traffic situation. Drive safely!

Diamond Georgina

Diamond Georgina is a lifestyle entrepreneur and blogger based in Iloilo City. Apart from blogging and being a professional salesperson, she loves filming (video content), traveling, and emerging in communities. She considers herself a life-long learner. Feel free to collaborate.

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